All Democrats in South Carolina, especially those of us in the 4th Congressional District, owe a huge debt of thanks to the life and legacy of the Hon. Liz Patterson. Liz was not only the first –and is still the only—woman elected to Congress from South Carolina in her own right, she dedicated her life to lifting up other women, through mentoring and encouragement. Many years ago, when I first ran for elective office, Liz was the only female role model I had and she guided and cheered me on from our first conversation and throughout my campaigns.
I wanted to honor Liz’s memory and continue her work to recruit and support Democratic women candidates for office. I am happy to announce that Emerge SC, has agreed to house the Liz Patterson Memorial Fund & Scholarship. The fund provides assistance to emerging women leaders who are members of the Emerge political training program. Founders of the fund believe that the program’s cost should not be a barrier to any woman who wishes to participate. By donating to the fund, you enable Emerge South Carolina to provide scholarships to women to assist with travel, childcare, and other expenses related to the cost of participation in the program.
Detailed information and donations can be made at <>