Candidate Profile: Gretchen Barron

Gretchen Barron, Candidate for Richland County Council District 7 Why did you choose Emerge? Emerge is designed to prepare Democratic women for public service. When I decided that I would run for office, I knew it was important for me to surround myself… Read More

Candidate Profile: Amanda McDougald Scott

Amanda McDougald Scott, Candidate for Greenville County Council District 24 Why did you choose Emerge? I chose Emerge because I knew that it not only provides tools for successful campaigns, but also provides an avenue to meet and develop relationships with like-minded women who want to improve… Read More

Candidate Profile: Jonnieka Farr

Jonnieka Farr, Candidate for Richland County Council District 9 Why did you choose Emerge? Emerge was touted as one of the best programs to train women that seek political office to effectively manage a campaign and win, while helping them to actualize and hone their skillset. I… Read More

Candidate Profile: Helen Pendarvis

Helen Pendarvis, Candidate for SC House District 35 Why did you choose Emerge? I choose Emerge because Emerge doesn’t just train Democratic women to run, it give women that normally wouldn’t run, the courage to run.   What office are you running for and why? I am running… Read More

Candidate Profile: Heather Bauer

Heather Bauer, Candidate for SC House District 75   Why did you choose Emerge? Women are under-represented in the State House, and I wanted to participate in a training surrounded by people who believe in and support women candidates.   What office are you running for and… Read More

Candidate Profile: Kathryn Whitaker

Kathryn Whitaker, Candidate for SC Senate District 37 Why did you choose Emerge? I heard A’shanti Gholar speak at a conference hosted in Charleston back in early 2017, and she talked about Emerge America and its 70%+ win rate for Democratic women it had trained. At the… Read More

Candidate Profile: Eileen Dougherty

Eileen Dougherty, Candidate for SC House District 115 Why did you choose Emerge? Women make up a very small portion of our of SC Legislature, and without investment in women running for office we will not change that.  Emerge stepped up to the plate to help create a… Read More

Candidate Profile: Carol Tempel

Carol Tempel, 2020 Candidate for SC House District 115 Why did you choose Emerge?  Emerge is a specially designed program to inspire and prepare Democratic women for public service.  With it’s interactive and research-based practices, women candidates are prepared for the reality of a campaign. Read More

Candidate Profile: Kim Nelson

Kim Nelson, 2020 Candidate for US House District 4   Why did you choose Emerge? In my prior role with Action Together Florida, I helped identify resources for candidates and the Emerge name kept coming… Read More

Candidate Profile: Donna Brown Newton

Donna Brown Newton, 2020 Candidate for South Carolina House District 99 Why did you choose Emerge? I have always been interested in running for a political office for a number of years. However, I was concerned that I did not know enough about the ins and outs… Read More